Sunday, March 3, 2013

rediscovering the flavor of popcorn

Again this week we heard about the danger of butter flavored microwave popcorn. Popcorn is a wonderful food; It is full of fiber and satisfying yet is has had a bad rap because of the butter flavor used commercial preparations. 
It is crazy we have come to expect that a microwave is how popcorn is made, and this is how it is supposed to taste. I am reminded of a time that the neighbor came over to borrow our microwave to cook his popcorn because his microwave did not have a popcorn button.
© Romanna | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Do your kids even know that you can make popcorn without a microwave?  Do you remember having popcorn cooked without the microwave? 

Dust off the old hot air popcorn popper! Make popcorn with real butter on it! taste the difference that real flavors make. You and your family may not be a able to get enough. Fall in love with popcorn all over again.  

                                                            © Lauria | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

If you are in the mood for some real great popcorn try popping it on the stove. I have included instructions for stove top cooking with coconut oil, and  for making simple kettle corn YUM!

To cook popcorn on the stove top

you will need
1/2 cup popcorn
2 Tablespoons of oil  I use coconut oil. It adds a really nice flavor.
a large pot  (four quart or larger) with a lid
large spoon for stirring

1. Heat 2 Tablespoons oil over high/ medium high heat  for about 30 seconds until it starts to shimmer.

2. Pour in 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels and shake the pan about to coat them in oil. Let them settle in a single layer on the bottom of the pan

3. Cover and listen for that first pop

4. When you hear the first pop, shake the pan back and forth gently over the heat until the popping stops.

5. When the popping stops, dump out the popcorn into a large bowl and sprinkle with salt stirring with a large spoon to distribute the salt. 

That is all there is to making wonderful tasting popcorn.

To make kettle corn at home

You will need

1/2 cup popcorn
2 Tablespoons of oil
2-3 Tablespoons white granulated sugar (using something other than this will not get the same results) 
a large pot  (four quart or larger) with a lid
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Heat 2 Tablespoons oil over high/ medium high heat  for about 30 seconds until it starts to shimmer.

2. Pour in 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels and shake the pan about to coat them in oil. Let them settle in a single layer on the bottom of the pan

3. Cover and listen for that first pop

4. When you hear that first pop, carefully open the lid away from your face so the steam and any popping kernels will not come out at you. Quickly add the sugar and salt. Replace the cover and  shake to distribute evenly.

5. Continue to shake the pan back and forth gently over the heat until the popping corn slows

6. When the popping slows, working quickly so it will not burn; dump out the popcorn  into a large bowl and sprinkle with a few more sprinkles of salt on the top.


  1. I'll have to try that kettle corn recipe. I love air popped popcorn. The only microwave stuff we have bought for a long time is kettle corn flavored just for the change once in awhile! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I used to live off microwave popcorn back before I had kids and now my son has never even seen microwave popcorn :) We actually have a microwave air popper that you can just put the popcorn in and pop without any oil. When our microwave stopped working, I started making it on the stove and it was so good!! My husband and I are addicted to the kettle corn (my recipe is a little different). Just a hint that I learned, put three kernels of popcorn spread around in the pot at the same time as the oil and when they pop, the oil is heated to put the rest in. Then you don't even have to check the oil :) I love popcorn!!!

  3. LOL on me: I had the recipe but not the directions. I was afraid that sugar granules would be unlike the corn we get in the bag, so I added it with the oil... burned all the sugar to the pan!
    Thanks for posting this- for obvious reasons.

  4. "I am reminded of a time that the neighbor came over to borrow our microwave to cook his popcorn because his microwave did not have a popcorn button. "

    hahaha....WOW. Found you via whole food Wednesday link-up. I want to say that I can't believe you're telling people how to pop popcorn...but sadly, I can believe it. Ugh. Oh well. Hopefully many will learn this and use it to their benefit.

  5. We make popcorn exactly as you have described here. I agree, it is a great snack, sometimes dinner! ;) Thanks for sharing on Hearth & Soul Hop. :)

  6. I love making stove-top popcorn - so delicious! And it really doesn't take more than a minute longer than the microwave version.

    Thanks for sharing with Old-Fashioned Friday! :)
