Friday, June 15, 2012

how to tell a rooster from a hen

Words of advice from my six year old son this morning. "Mom I can tell which of the chickens are roosters. The ones with mohawks are roosters"  

We woke up this morning to more roosters crowing. We have had alot of bad advice about our chickens. We ended up with many more roosters than hens. We had a bunch of older roosters that we got rid of already. You can read about the drama of thinking of butchering the chickens here and the update here

We ended up with a dozen roosters that we gave away and still have more. The suspects are part of the younger group that we were sure were all hens. We had used an old trick of looking at the wings to tell the gender. I think the source we used had it all backwards. My husbands brother heard the same advice. The trouble is; what we had heard was opposite of what he had heard. One of us had picked all hens, and one of us had picked all roosters. Turns out that we had picked all roosters except the one that I just had a feeling about. It is a beautiful bird; black with gold tipped feathers.

 We now know that we are to be more careful about where our information comes from. We are thinking of starting a new behive adventure next spring. I think with that we will be extra careful where we get advice from on the bees.  

Have you ever been given bad advice? leave a comment below and let us know what bad advice you have been given.

this post linked at mondays barnyard hop #66