Friday, March 7, 2014

Making herb flatbread

My son loves when I make flat bread. They are so easy to do and make a nice accompaniment to soups, or salad. They also make a great sandwich.

To make herb flatbread you will need:

3 cups flour (I used 1/2 wheat flour and 1/2 all purpose flour)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning powder
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2  cup olive oil
1 cup warm water
1. in a large bowl combine dry ingredients
2. mix the olive oil into the dry mix until crumbly looking
3. add the warm water and mix until a dough forms
4. let the dough rest for 10 minutes
5. preheat a large skillet over medium high heat
6. divide the dough into 6 portions
7. roll out the dough into circles about 1/2 inch thick
8. cook in a dry skillet over medium high heat about 2-3 minutes per side
Herbed flat bread is great on their own but can be filled with all kinds of sandwich fillings or salads. they are very versatile and are quick easy to make.
 This shared as part of Real food wednesdays


  1. Wow! That sounds really easy! And quick! I am forever looking a a soup I just made thinking... that it would be great with some bread. Problem solved. :)
    ~ Christine @ Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers

  2. This looks delicious! I love homemade flatbread. Thanks for sharing with the Let's Get Real party.

  3. Hi there! I'm stopping in from Let's Get Real today. Your post caught my attention because I am a big fan of flat bread, but I have never made it before. How do you cut out the circles........just free-hand? I'm looking forward to trying these soon.

    1. Yes, they are free hand. It adds to the rustic look and flavor

  4. Yummy! I made flatbread before, but these added spices sound good. Thanks for sharing at the Healthy Tuesday hop. :)

  5. These sound perfect with some homemade tomato soup!

  6. I love flatbread, well really I love all bread. Your recipe looks great and easy. Happy St. Patrick's Day and thank you so much for sharing your awesome post with Full Plate Thursday. Have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen
